He Shall be King!
by Eleazar ben Kallir
English version by T. Carmi
Original Language Hebrew
Yours, O Lord, is the sovereignty and You are exalted over all.
A king who says to the sea: ‘Thus far shall you come’ —
He shall be king!
A king of abomination, who comes from a stinking drop and goes no further than the grave —
why should he be king?
A king who builds his upper chambers and the chariot-throne in the heavens —
He shall be king!
A king who returns to the dust like an expiring candle —
why should he be king?
A king who redeems from harm all those who trust in him —
He shall be king!
A king who flees like a driven leaf because of his heart’s dread —
why should he be king?
A king distinguished among ten thousand, who brings forth thousands and tens of thousands of angels —
He shall be king!
A king who fears, dreads, and is terrified at the judgment of his Master —
why should he be king?
A king Whoever was and shall be, in His grace and His bounty —
He shall be king!